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7 Weeks
5 Months
Luna F1b Goldendoodle
Prim has turned out to be the best pup ever! Her personality and temperament are amazing, she is a total love bug and extremely confident. She LOVES other dogs and is the belle of the ball park. She is extremely smart and trainable. She loves to do tricks and learns fast. Other people are always asking me about her and where she came from and I tell them Happy Valley Puppies!

7 Weeks

3 Months
Savannah F1 Bernedoodle.
"Her name is Marnie now! She's the chilliest, calmest dog ever. She's getting used to car rides and loves riding shotgun. She sleeps right next to lily in bed at night and completes our family."

7 Weeks

12 Months
Harvest F1 Cavapoo
"I just wanted to share with your family, we just celebrated Watsons birthday! He's as sweet and cuddly as ever."

7 Weeks

5 Months
Eclipse F1b Goldendoodle
Our little guy is doing famously. I cannot tell you how intelligent, full of life and health and how quickly he has adopted us and our house and backyard. You guys raise great dogs! He lets himself out the dog door to pee in the backyard.

7 Weeks

12 Months
Claus Mini Poodle
He loves me the most. Sometimes we play hide and seek,. The kids will keep him busy and then let him go and he will run around the house to find me.
We have a lot of fun. He brings us a lot of joy.
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